Subsequent Key-in Announcement (Remediation 2012)

Assalaamu 'alaikum wr. wb.
Notified to all FK UII students as follows:
– Key-n special follow-up to the Rational Medicine block, Elderly Cases, and Ket. Medical 2 (KBK 2011) was conducted on July 13 2012 from 09.00 – 15.00
– Payments are made on the same day and date
– Especially for students who have graduated from the Prosus (Respiration, Nervous System), are allowed to take part in a follow-up key-in
Thus, thank you for your attention
Wassalaamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

Yogyakarta, July 11, 2012
Head of Medical Education Study Program
Dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK