educating toddlers to be aware of cleanliness from an early age


By: dr.Titik Kuntari, MPH

CLEANLINESS is one of the key factors to maintain human health. Unfortunately, this hygiene factor is rarely a value priority that is instilled early on in our families. Even though the clean tradition at adulthood is very much determined by habits since childhood and the tradition of maintaining cleanliness in the midst of our family. Therefore, don't ignore the problem of educating and instilling the concept of clean is healthy in children from an early age. These two age components actually have quite profound differences in meaning. Introducing the concept of cleanliness can be done early, meaning that since newborns have been introduced to the concept of clean living. Parents, always try to keep the baby's body and clothes clean. Thus, gradually the baby will be familiar with the concept of cleanliness and feel uncomfortable if the environment is dirty. Furthermore, at the age of five a child who can communicate well and maybe more or less can be given various understandings with arguments, then the concept of cleanliness can be taught by communicating while playing etc.

Inviting families to live clean, has various benefits such as families will be healthy because various diseases generally arise due to an unclean lifestyle. For example, someone can get diarrhea just because they are lazy to wash their hands before taking food or leaving food uncovered or processed in an unhygienic way. Likewise with the clothes used, must be washed every day because dirty clothes are a place for fungi to grow and develop which can cause various skin diseases. And skin diseases in children, generally the recovery will take quite a long time because children usually cannot resist scratching their itchy skin excessively.
For that, we can conclude that there are several aspects of explaining the concept of cleanliness that can be introduced to our toddlers:
– The concept of always keeping the environment clean
The application of this concept is through examples, where a family always involves their children to keep their environment clean together. For example, holding mutual cooperation every holiday to clean up the yard etc. from various impurities and clearing clogged drains so that clear rainwater can stagnate can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes which can be vectors for various diseases such as dengue fever. Meanwhile, dirty stagnant water (swamps) can be a breeding ground for malaria mosquitoes. Likewise with processing household waste, because garbage is also a gathering place for flies that can carry the diarrhea virus. In addition, the stench from the garbage will also make the environment uncomfortable. If we have pets such as chickens, then place the chicken coop a little far from the house and don't make it a habit for toddlers to play with these animals. And try to keep the animal cages and conditions for pets always in a clean condition and condition.
– The concept of keeping body and clothing clean
Cleanliness of the body is one of the key factors, to ensure the health of the human body. This means that a dirty body has the potential to be exposed to various bacteria, fungi and viruses that can cause various diseases. Therefore, introducing the concept of cleanliness to prevent disease is a very important agenda in a family. The method…? Maybe start with doing things that look simple, like getting toddlers to bathe cleanly twice a day. A clean bath includes cleaning various impurities on the body with soap (anti-septic), washing your hair if you sweat too much and don't forget to brush your teeth every time you shower and go to sleep. Likewise, children under five are accustomed to always changing dirty clothes with clean clothes. Wash hands after playing. Dispose of trash in the bins provided. If the child is outside an environment that is monitored by parents, then always remind the child not to buy snacks carelessly. Buy snacks that are covered and clean. Limit the allowance that is given so that children can be limited from the desire to consume all the snacks that are available. And if possible, it's not wrong if every time the child goes to school, they bring food that is guaranteed to be clean from home.
We certainly really hope that by maintaining the cleanliness of our environment, the quality of our health will also improve. And by involving children to always maintain cleanliness, the space for a healthy family as a whole is wide open. Wise people say: Prevention is more important than cure. This advice is very appropriate, if we use it in the concept of public health. A clean body and environment will minimize the entry of various diseases. If the family is free from disease, medical expenses can be saved and savings for children's education, for example. In addition, if all family members are healthy then of course the focus of parents on their work can be increased which will automatically increase family productivity. Therefore, let's start building a family that loves cleanliness. And of course, clean habits will be transmitted to children, if their parents make this concept of clean living a daily habit so that it can be an effective role model for the family.