
The UII Faculty of Medicine curriculum is spread out in blocks, compulsory courses, non-block courses and scientific papers (KTI). The number of credits that must be taken to obtain an academic degree Bachelor of Medicine (S.Ked) is 157 credits. A total of 157 credits are spread over 102 credit blocks, 39 credits for non-compulsory courses and 16 credits for medical skills.

The System Integration Curriculum with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach uses blocks whose learning stages last for a certain time depending on the time load calculated in weeks. The PBL system used is a modified system based oriented. One semester consists of 3 to 4 blocks. Semester Credit Units applied in the PBL system are charged in blocks, namely the length of the learning process (block activities) in one week. One week equals 1 (one) Semester Credit Unit (SKS).

System based oriented modifications in each block in the semester and the length of the learning process are as follows:
Stages of General Education and Integrated Education

University courses and non-aligned courses, namely:

Clinical Education Stage
Semester Credit Units applied in clinical education are charged to the activities of each clinical department, namely the length of the learning process in two weeks. Two weeks of clinical education activities equal 1 (one) Semester Credit Unit (SKS). The Clinical Education Stage consists of several departments, namely:

Clinical Education Stage
Semester Credit Units applied in clinical education are charged to the activities of each clinical department, namely the length of the learning process in two weeks. Two weeks of clinical education activities equal 1 (one) Semester Credit Unit (SKS). The Clinical Education Stage consists of several departments, namely:

The learning process at the clinical education stage is in the form of clinical learning experiences and field learning experiences using various forms and levels of real health service settings that meet the educational requirements as a place for clinical education practice. The provisions for the Field Work Lecture are stated in the Field Work Lecture Guidelines published by the Community Service Institute Universitas Islam Indonesia.