Medical Skills

Medical Skills Coordinator : dr. Agung Widianto, Sp.B
Secretary : dr. Kuswati
Laboratory assistants: Dwi Lestari, AMK, Atik Suharni, AMK, Sri Patmawati, AMK, Siti Nur Awwalu Latifatul Marfuah, AMd.Kep
Administration Staff : Udin Supriyono,


Medical skill activity is one of the components in the learning system at the Faculty of Medicine that uses a Problem Based Learning (PBL) system. This activity is aimed at introducing students from an early age to clinical skills that must be mastered as a doctor (early clinical exposure). For this reason, at FK UII medical skills activities have been given since semester 1, with material adapted to the ongoing block. Thus medical skills activities support learning systems that are integrated in blocks.

Types of Activities and Ratings
The types of medical skill activities provided to FK UII students include communication skills, physical examination and therapeutic skills (actions). The skill material for each block is determined jointly between the block coordinator and the medical skills coordinator. Likewise with the percentage of medical skills in blocks. The student assessment system that applies to FK UII determines the weight of the assessment of medical skills in blocks is 0-30%.

Medical skills activities are a vehicle for students to learn clinical skills in a doctor-patient setting but are carried out in a training setting. This allows the student to repeat and continue practicing the procedures being taught until he or she becomes skilled. For this reason, the medical skills laboratory in its activities uses simulated patients (for history taking and several examination procedures), mannequins/dummy (for certain examination procedures, such as catheterization, IUD insertion, etc.), as well as audiovisual facilities which greatly assist students in carrying out the exercises.

Forms of activity

The forms of activities in the medical skills laboratory include guided practicum, independent practicum, and medical skills exams which are held at the end of each block. At the end of the study period for the General Education and Integrated Education Program, before students attend clinical education (co-assistance), students are required to take the General Registrar Examination (Panum) which is an integration of various topics of medical skills that have been studied.


The facilities owned by the Medical Skills Laboratory are one storage room for tools and administration of the Medical Skills Laboratory, 33 rooms for medical skills activities (same as the tutorial room), and 1 mini-hospital. Faculty of Medicine Mini Hospital Universitas Islam Indonesia is a miniature hospital with adequate and up-to-date design and equipment. This mini hospital is designed for independent medical skills activities for students as well as for various other events such as the Training of Instructors.
The Medical Skills Laboratory also has mannequins for both diagnostic and therapeutic skills which are quite complete, learning videos/VCDs and adequate tools and materials for all activities.
Each scheduled medical skills activity for each group of students is accompanied by a Medical Skills Instructor who has been trained through TOI (Training of Instructor)

Medical Skills Curriculum
In line with the implementation of a competency-based education curriculum (KBK) at FK UII since 2005 the Medical Skills Laboratory has developed a curriculum for medical skills FK UII which in practice is spread over many blocks.