[:en]Medicine Organizes Recitation and Farewell of Umrah Jam'ah.[:]


Caption: Doctor Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK handed over an Umrah gift to the grand prize recipient (doorprize) milad FK UII, namely Wibowo.

Kaliurang (UII News) – as a Muslim when facing a disaster, it is patience and prayer that must be based as the main helper as this is implied in surah Al Baqoroh (2): 45-46.

This was conveyed by ustadz Abdullah Sunono, in a routine recitation event for lecturers and staff of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia on Friday, 06 Jumadil Awal 1439 H/26 January 2018 at the 1st floor auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia.

According to Ustad Abdulloh Sunono, as a Muslim who has been struck by a disaster, according to the letter, he must be patient in dealing with it. Patience with a solemn meaning, to get help from His Lord. If this can be managed properly, it will calm the heart.

"Patience must rely on Allah for any calamity or something that has not yet happened, and if it is appropriate that it has happened then what a patient Muslim does is to be pleased with the incident that has already happened," said Ustadz Abdullah Sunono.

At the same time in the recitation event, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia also releasing employees to carry out Umrah services which are carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Dr. Linda Rosita M. Kes, Sp.PK.

According to doctor Linda, the umroh departure was an institutional activity, so this event was held to release FK UII staff who received umroh at the FK UII anniversary event which was held on Sunday, December 10 2017 last year and the winner was Wibowo.

"Hopefully this milad activity with the main prize for umrah can create enthusiasm to improve performance at the Faculty of Medicine at the Indonesian Islamic University so that the lofty ideals of making quality Muslim doctors is a must that must be worked on together," said doctor Linda Rosita.

Apart from the Umrah Recitation and Umrah Recitation, the activity was also enlivened by the distribution of prizes for those who could answer quiz questions through kahoot.it prepared by the organizers of the FK UII recitation. Wibowo
