Rafting Medicine at Citra Ello, Magelang


        Magelang (UII News-8/11) – In order to establish togetherness towards accreditation of FK UII, staff lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia participating in rafting activities which are implied to be learned from so that together we can achieve the goal of maintaining A re-accreditation for the Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia.

        This was conveyed by the chairman of the FK UII rafting committee, dr. Alfan Nur Asyar at the closing ceremony of the rafting activity at the Citra Elo yard, Magelang on Sunday, November 26 2015/26 Muharam 1438 H.

        Meanwhile as a participant, dr. Abdul Ghofir, Sp.S(K)., M.Sc said he was happy with the rafting activities organized by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam IndonesiaAccording to him, apart from building togetherness, following it also requires sacrifice.

        "Happy with this rafting activity, to be able to take part in this activity requires sacrifice, so that the togetherness that can be built in this activity can be maintained," he said.

        In line with Doctor Ghofir, the Deputy Dean of FK UII also hopes that this activity can become an arena for building togetherness towards Re-accreditation of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia for even better. Wibowo/Tri