Head of Study Program and Head of IKJ Faculty of Medicine UII Become Speakers of the JAMU Symposium at RSPAU dr. S. Hardjolukito

Medicine (UII News) – JAMU is the Jogja Aviation Medicine Update organized by the Central Air Force Hospital (RSPAU) dr. S. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta, on Friday, 10 October 2014, at RSPAU dr. S. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta.

In the symposium with the theme of Aviation Medicine relating to the health of Hajj flights, as chairman of the committee, Lt. Col. Kes. dr. Wahyu Wihartono, Sp.S, M.Kes invited the Head of FK UII Study Program, dr. Hj. Erlina Marfianti, M.Sc., Sp.PD as a resource person with the title Identification of Risk Factors for Hajj Pilgrims.

According to doctor Erlina, in identifying the health of pilgrims, there are two factors that need to be considered, namely internal factors and external factors.

"Internal identification for pilgrims includes health conditions of pilgrims including old age and identification of chronic diseases, which trigger a high risk of death rates, while external factors that need to be identified are weather, region . With this identification, it will prevent the death rate from decreasing, he explained.

Meanwhile for risk management of behavioral and psychological Symptoms of Dementia in pilgrims, the committee invited resource persons Head of the Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine, UII, Prof. Dr. dr. H. Soewadi, M.PH., Sp.KJ(K) ).

"Dimentia is one of the factors that must be identified for pilgrims who will perform the pilgrimage, if mental health is identified early it will reduce the death rate of pilgrims," ​​he said. Wibowo