Ahead of MEA, FK UII Doctors Must Be Ready to Compete in the ASEAN Market

Kaliurang (UII News) – FK UII believes that this Doctor's Oath will be a beautiful record in the new doctor's life frame and in the family of both parents, husband or wife. To the new doctors, we hope that they will continue to improve their personal qualities as Muslim doctors who reflect the doctor's professional personal figure, as well as having the Islamic personality syakhsiah who always provide benefits for their environment, both the family environment, the profession and the community. Of course, the people really need the work of doctors in helping to improve the quality of health services, and doctors.

This advice was delivered by dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK giving her speech at the 26th period e of the Inauguration and Oath Ceremony of FK UII Doctors which was attended by 43 people, on Tuesday, November 04 2014 in Prof.'s auditorium. CRC. Kahar Muzakir, UII Integrated Campus, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Doctor Linda reminded that doctors who graduated from UII would face even greater challenges, especially since January 2015 is the 2015 ASEAN free market.

"There are a number of important notes that we must make as health service providers in the free market, namely that we as doctors are ready to compete on professional standards with doctors from ASEAN who want to practice in Indonesia," he said.

Doctor Linda added that in the future there will be a Primary Service Doctor (DLP) policy. It is hoped that graduates of PSPD FK UII doctors can play a role in primary care. With a better distribution of doctors, it is hoped that public access to health services by doctors will be even better and Islamic da'wah will reach remote areas.

Meanwhile, it was reported by the Head of FK UII Study Program, dr. Erlina Marfianti, M.Sc., Sp.PD that the number of FK UII alumni doctors up to now is 790 people.

 “For this oath period, 43 people participated, consisting of 31 girls and 12 boys, with an average age of 25 years, coming from all regions of Indonesia, with the highest Doctoral Grade Point Average (GPA) achieved by HALIMAH PRAMUDIYANTI with a doctor's GPA of 3,63 from Central Java," said doctor Erlina. Wibowo.