Don't be afraid to try and don't be insecure

Kaliurang (UII News – 07/05) – Even though at first we were nothing and had never worked, there is definitely a chance for us to get it all. And that's the opportunity we have to protect and seize. Don't waste our time on the lecture bench just to sit there but try to get out to achieve more extraordinary things.

This was conveyed by Irma Noor Budianti (2012), when she recounted her experience presenting a scientific poster for her research in Malaysia regarding the learning system at the UII Faculty of Medicine, namely Problem Best Learning (PBL) with friends who are in the Department of Education and Profession, Student Executive Body (LEM) FK UII. In the event that was held by SMART LEM FK UII in the Thursday Morning Study (KAKAP) event on Thursday, 07 May 2015 / 18 Rajab 1436 H in the Pre Clinic Meeting Room Lt. 2 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta. The 1 (one) hour event from 07.00 – 08.00 WIB was attended by members of SMART LEM FK UII.

According to Irma, to be able to go there, of course students must first make works in the form of paper their research results. With this capital, the next step is to send abstract of their work which is a brief overview of the research undertaken. Furthermore, when the abstract is declared accepted, the next step is poster making. The poster contains several points. The most important point in the poster is the abstract and the purpose of the research. This research objective is more emphasized

"Don't be afraid to try and don't feel inferior," Irma ordered.

Meanwhile, the KAKAP committee confirmed that they had invited Irma in order to share experiences during the event in Malaysia with a presentation related to the poster she made.

"Of course it is a very extraordinary and proud thing like what Ms. Irma did, when we can visit abroad with the aim of not just traveling or visiting but to present our work. The presentation is not just any presentation, but Ms. Irma presented it in front of various examining professors there (Malaysia), this is truly extraordinary, "said FK UII student Al Khanza Humaira. Wibowo/Tri