Inspirational, Memorized Al-Qur'an Since High School, Able to Study at FK UII


Inspiring, this is the word that is rightly attached to the figure of Husna Nadiyya, a 2013 batch student of the Faculty of Medicine at UII. At a young age, this girl born in 1995 has been able to memorize 30 chapters of the Al-Qur'an in full. Not only that, thanks to this achievement, he also had the opportunity to receive a prestigious education at the UII Faculty of Medicine. According to Husna, memorizing the Al-Qur'an is a dedication that has become a lifetime passion for him. By memorizing the holy verses of the Qur'an, he believes it will bring blessings in his life, both in this world and in the hereafter.


“I have started memorizing the Qur'an since childhood. However, I only started serious business for this when I was in junior high school, “said the middle child of four siblings. At that time, Husna's parents sent her to live at the Tebuireng Putri Islamic Boarding School, Jombang so that she would be more diligent in memorizing the Qur'an. While studying tahfidz at the Islamic boarding school, he also took formal education for 6 years at a local school.

“Parents always motivate us so that we can become memorizers of the Qur'an. Because experts in the Qur'an in the hadith of the Prophet are called ahlullah (family of Allah)," he said. Moreover, the first brother, has also become a memorizer of the Qur'an 30 chapters. From here, he was increasingly motivated to continue memorizing the Qur'an. Not a day passed without memorizing.

"At the cottage, we have a special schedule for depositing memorization, namely every dawn and evening." Every year, students are targeted to memorize at least 1 juz," added the girl from the city of Bogor. According to him, persistence and patience are the keys to successfully completing memorization. The daily schedule must be neatly arranged with a detailed time allocation for each activity. Husna was able to finish memorizing his Qur'an within 6 years.

Meanwhile, his introduction to the Faculty of Medicine, UII, started from his desire to continue studying after graduating from high school. "I do have an interest in the medical field, since high school I have been involved in many youth red cross activities and the like," said this fifth semester student.

The news that UII opened a registration route for Qur'an memorizers was good news for Husna. This was not wasted, so he immediately registered to become a student of FK UII. After going through several stages of the selection test, Husna was finally accepted.

“I am of course very grateful, because with this path, our achievements have received appreciation from UII. Moreover, UII also provides free educational fee scholarships for hafidz and hafidzah," he said. Husna's gratitude increases because with this he can lighten the burden on his parents, considering that the tuition fees as a medical student are also high.

FK UII itself is one of the faculties at UII which accommodates many students who memorize the Qur'an. The number of students who memorize the Qur'an continues to grow every year. In 2013 there was 1 person, in 2014 there were an additional 3 new hafidz students, while in 2015 there were an additional 5 new hafidz students.