Indonesia Has Potential as a Producer of Herbal Medicines

Photo of Wibowo: Atmosphere of the National Seminar on the Role of Herbal Medicines held by FK UII

Kaliurang (UII News) – Indonesia is a fertile country with number two biodiversity in the world. Even if it is added to the marine biota, Indonesia ranks first in the world. This shows the great natural potential of Indonesia to be developed as a producer and provider of herbal medicine raw materials. However, this potential has not yet been developed optimally, even though empirically it has efficacy, so it needs to be scientifically proven and its quality improved.

Therefore, according to Dr.dr. Farida Juliantina Rachmawaty, M.Kes then Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held a National Seminar on the Role of Herbal Medicines as Anti-Microbes of the Present and the Future, which was held on Friday-Saturday, 22-23 April 2016 / 14-15 Rajab 1437 H at Jogja Plaza Hotel Yogyakarta as support for the government.

According to doctor Farida, the government supports the existence of this herbal medicine by issuing the RI Minister of Health. No. 1109 of 2007 concerning the Implementation of Complementary-Alternative Medicine in Health Service Facilities and Kepmenkes No. 121/menkes/SK/II/2008 concerning Herbal Medical Service Standards.

"It is hoped that government support will increase research on herbal plants, one of which is in overcoming infectious diseases. There is quite a lot of research on herbal plants as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and as anti-parasitic,” said the doctor in Microbiology FK UII.

It was further added that, if herbal medicines are optimally developed by involving various parties, then they can support national health services. On the other hand, economically it will also improve people's welfare because it is able to provide wide employment opportunities and provide a significant income contribution. The herbal medicine industry as a local culture-based industry has become one of the leading job creation clusters.

In order for herbal medicines to be accepted in their own country, it needs scientific proof through various levels of research. Quality research will provide confidence in its efficacy and safety so that it can be applied in the clinic.

That is what the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, is for Universitas Islam Indonesia held a national seminar on Indonesian herbal medicine. This seminar discussed various matters concerning the potential for herbal drug development and its regulations in Indonesia, the development of antimicrobial research made from herbs, the clinical application of the use of herbal medicines as antimicrobials, as well as the development of herbal medicine-based industries and their marketing strategies. This seminar presents reliable speakers from policy holders, researchers, medical practitioners and industry, with the hope of opening insights so that we can become kings in our own country.

"This seminar aims to find out the prospects for the development of herbal medicines in Indonesia and find out the regulations for Indonesian herbal research and their application," he said. Wibowo/Tri