Frequency of Lower Extremity Fractures in Accident Cases



Fractures and injuries due to accidents are very serious health problems throughout the world, including Indonesia.
Several studies have shown that most fractures involve the lower extremities with a frequency of 45,39% - 74,7%.

This research was conducted using a cross-sectional approach and was conducted retrospectively by looking at secondary data, namely data that has been recapitulated by the medical record section of the medical record (Medical Record) Dr.Soedarso Hospital Pontianak in the period 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009 which was diagnosed with an injury. and fracture. The data is then analyzed descriptively and presented in the form of tables and graphs. The results showed that the frequency of lower extremity fractures in accident cases at RSUD Dr. Soedarso Pontianak in 2009 was 37,6% of the total number of fractures diagnosed based on ICD-X from code S02.00 – T02.91. The highest number of fractures of the lower extremities was in the femur, which was 52,9%.

The number of frequencies according to sex, the most in men, namely 75,2%. And according to age, the most experienced productive age is 76,7%. The number of frequencies according to the method of payment, mostly through the Jamkesmas program, namely 38,8%. The highest number of frequencies by referral origin, namely from the city of Pontianak as much as 38,3%. Comparison
The ratio of fractures of the lower extremity: superior extremity: face/head: trunk: other parts is 4,3 : 2,2 : 2 : 1,8 : 1.

Keyword : Frequency, Fracture, Inferior Extremity, Accident.

Writer :
Desi Dinisesasiati


Advisor :

Dr. Adam Suyadi, MM, Sp.B.