FOSMA Establishes Ukhuwah with Old Management

Yogyakarta (UII News) – In order to connect brotherhood and miss fellow administrators, FOSMA FK UII held a meeting that was packed with seeing each other with old administrators who had not seen each other for a long time.

This was conveyed by DR.Hj. Winahyu Erwiningsih, SH., M.Hum as treasurer when inviting FOSMA management on Monday, 2 February 2015 at the Lecker Restaurant and Restaurant, Jl. HOS Cokro Aminoto, Yogyakarta which was attended by advisors from FOSMA FK UII dr. H. Zuchairi Dahlan, Sp.P, Head of FOSMA for the previous period dr. Suharto Prawirodharmo, Sp.B, Chair of FOSMA Period 2012 -2015 dr. Mafilindati Nuraini, M.Kes, Deputy Chairperson Ir. Zilhardi Idris,M.Eng, Treasurer I Mrs. Ninik Pramono, Treasurer II Mrs. Zuclha Prihati, SE., MM.

                   According to Ms. Winahyu, an informal meeting like this for FOSMA FK UII management can be attended if it is held at night, if the attendance level is very low during the day, due to busy parents in his daily routine.

                              &#XNUMX;Alhamdulillah, the chair of FOSMA UII last period was able to be careless, dr. Suharto, Sp.B with the happy news that his son was accepted as a surgical resident at Dr. Sardjito, then the arrival of other administrators, this shows his love for FOSMA FK UII†, was his impression.

Meanwhile, the previous head of FOSMA, dr. Suharto Prawirodahrmo, Sp.B said he was happy to still be in karohke (red.disapa), this shows that even though FOSMA has a small number of administrators, the brotherhood is maintained by helping each other and exchanging information for the progress of FK UII which has educated our sons and daughters to become useful Muslim doctors for society, he said. Wibowo