FKUII and Triassic Role of Indonesian Doctors

Moral values, the doctor's oath, code of ethics and applicable laws and regulations must be the basis for a doctor's behavior. Doctors must be able to be role models with a humble spirit, work ethic and high discipline. A doctor is required to be a long life leaner. Learning, updating knowledge and skills throughout life and being sensitive to social issues so that it appears as the triad of the role of doctors according to the mandate of Bakti Dokter Indonesia for the sake of the nation. That's one of the excerpts from the speech of the Chairperson of the DIY Regional IDI, dr. Bambang Suryono Suwondo at the Doctor's Oath ceremony at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Period IX on Saturday, April 24 2010. The oath ceremony took place at the KHA Auditorium. Kahar Mudzakir.
The seven doctors who have completed clinical education and were sworn in on this occasion are M. Akbar, Tia Nurani, Bagus Hartanto Wibowo, Ratna Dhewi Aprilia, Sudarman, M. Budi Hariadi, Bonny Amrin. With the addition of these seven new doctors, FK UII as a whole has graduated 203 doctors.

Prof. Dr. dr. H. Rusdi Lamsudin, M.Med.Sc, Sp.S(K), as the Dean of Fk UII, took this opportunity to remind several things that newly sworn in doctors need to pay attention to, namely related to global competition in doctor services to patients. There is a tendency for a sharp increase in the incidence of Indonesian people seeking treatment abroad. This is due to non-medical reasons that often occur where a feeling of distrust between doctors and patients stems from a lack of communication between patients and doctors.

The problem that is no less complicated is that doctors tend to get stuck in a narrow routine of professionalism. Many doctors think that medical science is just learning everything about disease. Doctors forget that apart from having to carry out physical interventions, doctors also have to play a role in mental and social interventions in society.

Doctors in their daily profession must always carry the doctor's triad of roles, namely agent of change, agent of development and agent of treatment. Where a doctor must not only be an expert in the medical field, but also be able to make changes and developments. This is what FK UII's mission is to produce five-star doctor graduates, namely having various abilities, abilities as community leaders, good communication skills (communicator), able to manage (manager), good decision-making. reliable (decision makers), and service providers (care providers).

Meanwhile Vice Rector I, Nandang Sutrisno, SH., MH., LLM., Ph.D., stated that medicine as a profession, the work done must be based on a science, where competency is obtained through tiered education. UII as an educational institution strives to meet global competency standards as a requirement in order to be able to compete at the global level but still have UII's identity, namely as an Islamic doctor. This is in line with government policy through Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice.