FK UII Holds 2014 PRECENTALIS Seminar

Kaliurang (UII News) – Precentalis is a seminar on medical ethics and law entitled “Preparing Critical, Smart, and Professional Future Doctors†This aims to assist the faculty in raising awareness and fighting spirit in studying to students, especially medical students in medical ethics and law, so that medical students will be able to become critical, intelligent, and professional doctors.

This was conveyed by the Deputy Dean of FK UII, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc giving a speech at the 2014 Precentalis Seminar which was held in the auditorium of JIH Hospital Yogyakarta, Sunday, October 19 2014, at. 08.00 WIB – finished.

According to doctor Udin, this activity aims to provide students or seminar participants with the ability to know medical ethics and law, so they can protect themselves from various legal cases in the dynamics of the government system.

"Our hope is that by holding this seminar, seminar participants will know about aspects of legal protection for the medical profession and society regarding medical ethics," he said.

Meanwhile, LEM FK UII admitted that he was proud of this seminar, because it was very helpful in terms of advocacy lessons, this was conveyed by Harry Kurniawan as Chair of LEM FK UII, according to him LEM or student executive body, is the highest institution in Universitas Islam Indonesia.

"LEM at the Faculty of Medicine acts as a forum for students to convey all their aspirations, criticisms and suggestions for the sake of the Faculty of Medicine which is rahmatan lil'alamin. In carrying out its programs, LEM has several departments, namely PEMMAS, EXTERNAL, KASTRAD, PSDM, SENIOR, KEWIRUS, and PENDPRO, by participating in this seminar it will provide a basis for planning an activity aimed at achieving predetermined targets, as well as moving forward. in the field of advocacy who acts as a mediator and liaison between students and the faculty and university so as to create harmony and harmony, "said Harry.

There are three presenters who are advanced in their respective fields. The first material was brought by Dr. H. Muhammad Arif Setiawan, SH, MH with his material entitled the role of legal practitioners in handling medical disputes. Connected with the second speaker, namely Prof. dr. Sofwan Dahlan, Sp. F which discusses medical disputes in the laws and regulations of the State of Indonesia; The last material was filled in by dr. Nur Azid Mahardinata, who presented material entitled the role of bioethics in medical disputes. Wibowo