FK UII Holds Islamic Boarding School Ramadhan 1436 H

    Kaliurang (UII News-29/06) – In order to establish friendship and gain knowledge about Islam, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia organizes Islamic Boarding School Ramadhan 1436 H.

    This was conveyed by dr. Hj. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK while delivering her remarks at the Ramadhan 1436 H Islamic Boarding School event which was held on Saturday, 27 June 2015 / 10 Ramadhan 1436 H at the auditorium 1st floor FK UII, which was attended by Lecturers, Employees, Security Guards, Parking and Cleaning Service in the UII Faculty of Medicine.
    Besides that, doctor Linda also advised to always pray for the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia always given protection from Allah SWT, get convenience in maintaining A accreditation in the upcoming 2017.
    This pesantren activity presented three presenters namely Dr. Tamyis Mukharram, MA (Zakat), Dr. Supriyanto Pasir, S.Ag., M.Ag (Tafsir of Surah Al Baqarah 183-187), and Kiki Wijaya (Peak Performer: Achieving Happiness & Glory at Work).
    In the first material, Mr. Tamyis teaches about the nature of Zakat which is etymologically development and purification. The purpose of development is that by doing it it becomes a cause for the flourishing of merit or wisdom, while the purpose of purification is that by doing it it becomes a cause for obtaining a purity of soul, especially from miserliness. Shari'a uses the sentence zakat by combining the two meanings.
    "According to the Maliki School, zakat means giving out a certain portion of certain assets that have reached the nisab (minimum limit set in the Shari'a) for people who are entitled to receive it, provided that the property is owned by itself, has haul (runs a year) and is not a mineral. he said.
    For the second meter, Ust. Dr. Supriyanto Pasir, S.Ag., M.Ag explained about the interpretation of Al Baqarah 183 which states that why fasting is obligatory for believers (alladzina amanu)? according to Ustad Pasir, this is none other than because Allah SWT wants believers not only to think that they are safe only with faith. More than that, Allah wants them to truly become people who surrender themselves (Muslims) who among the ways of submission is to carry out Islamic law which is their taklif, for example by observing the fast of Ramadan.
    “Even the ladder to piety is only possible if a believer follows through on his faith by becoming a Muslim first. As for the way to become a real Muslim, they have to go through tests with orders and prohibitions," said Ustadz Ucup.
    Meanwhile the third presenter, together with Kiki Wijaya (Motivator & Master of Self Development), taught that to get glory and happiness at work is to use the essence of sincere work.
    "Iklash work is a business that is carried out as a form of embodiment of spiritual awareness, by maintaining a purity of heart as a manifestation of self-nobility, thus in the workplace as much as possible to establish relationships with fellow workers with the key to association is Listen: willing to listen, Observe: sensitive to other people & their needs, Value: considers everyone important, Empathy: Caring & Willing to Give", said Mr. Kiki.
    In this Ramadhan 1436 H Islamic Boarding School activity, in order to celebrate it, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia also giving door prizes for free for the lucky ones. Wibowo/Tri