FK UII Becomes the Best Grantees in PKPD Layoff Grants

FK UII as a FK that obtained accreditation A was invited by DIKTI to take part in the Evaluation Workshop on the Implementation of the Competency Grant Program and Affirmation to Improve the Quality of Medical Education (project HPEQ) or the PKPD PHK Competency Grant Program. The event was held at Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta today, Friday 19 December 2014.

PKPD PHK Competency Grant Program from the Directorate of Higher Education which has been running for 3 years (2011-2013) and was extended until the end of 2014. The Medical Education Study Program of FK UII was driven by Dr. Ummatul Khoiriyah M.Med.Sc who had been working for a long time since making the proposal in 2009, participated in a competition which was not easy so that PSPD FK UII was able to qualify and obtain the grant. Of the 72 FKs that passed 40 FKs including FK UII passed.

This workshop event marks the closing of this project. Foreword from Project Management Dr. Illah Sailah as director of the HPEQ Dikti project. He said a lot best practice The results obtained from this project include increasing accreditation such as FK UII from B to A, increasing UKMPPD graduation, and improving the quality of the teaching and learning process. This workshop also invited all Chancellors and Deans from HPEQ grant recipients. From UII, the Vice Chancellor Ilya Fajar Maharika,IAI, PhD; Dean of FK UII Dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK; Executive Director Dr. Ummatul Khoiriyah,  M.Med.Sc; Program Coordinator Dr. Diani Puspa Wijaya, and one of the PICs Dr. Zainuri Sabta Nugraha, M.Sc. In the future it is hoped that the HPEQ project can be continued by the faculty and university to produce quality Indonesian doctors. Hopefully FK UII can still continue to develop even better even though the PKPD layoff project has been completed. (LR/SAA)