FK UII Introduces Featured Scholarships

UII Yogyakarta Medicine introduces superior scholarships when participating in an educational exhibition organized by the Indonesian Ministry of National Education. This exhibition took place from 21-26 February 2012 at the Atrium Center – Taman Anggrek Mall (MTA) Jakarta.
This educational exhibition was attended by universities providing the Excellent Scholarships of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, including UII Yogyakarta, ITS Surabaya, Bhayangkara University Surabaya, Diponegoro University Semarang, Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang, STIPRAM Yogyakarta, UNIKOM Bandung, STBA LIA Jakarta and STP Trisakti.
The theme promoted by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia is "The Wonder of Indonesia", with this theme all participants are expected to be able to convey information about superior scholarships, including FK UII which has accepted 12 students from superior scholarships, with the distribution of 2 students in 2010 and 10 students in 2012.
On this occasion, the coordinator of the Indonesian Ministry of National Education's Excellence Scholarship, Dr. AB Susanto, M.Sc, who was impressed with the UII booth which attracted mall visitors, said, "It's time for scholarships to look for students, not students looking for scholarships." The meaning is that even though the cost of studying in medicine is expensive, with superior scholarships, God willing, it will be made easy. (Wibowo)