FK UII Attends PEPKI Event in Palembang

Kaliurang (UII News) – PEPKI's core event is the dissemination of research results and learning innovations throughout the Faculty of Medicine members of AIPKI (Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions) to share best practices in educating doctors who are professional, ethical, have a Pancasila spirit and are highly competitive to face globalization .

This was conveyed by the Vice Dean of FK UII, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M, Sc after participating in the 7th AIPKI (Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions) Meeting and Exhibition in Palembang which was held from 26-28 October 2014 together with the Dean of FK UII dr.Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK and Head of Study Program FK UII dr. Erlina Marfianti, M.Sc., Sp.PD.

According to doctor Udin's explanation, the committee for this activity consisted of 18 Medical Faculties throughout Sumatra which are members of AIPKI region I. The theme of this activity is medical education innovation supporting health services. This event is held every 2 years with hosts rotating per AIPKI membership area from region 1 to region 5.

Usually, PEPKI activities begin with a meeting of all Deans of FKs throughout Indonesia, now totaling 75 FKs, to discuss strategic issues of medical education and health development on a national and global scale.

"The following day was continued with various workshops such as filling out accreditation forms, OSCE examiners and clinical education workshops. The last day was closed with a scientific work competition in the form of posters and oral presentations. In this PEPKI activity this time also invited student representatives from the Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (ISMKI) to convey their attitudes or criticisms of medical education so far and their anticipation of the new rules for primary care physicians as medical education plus those who will work in the BPJS era, "explained the doctor Udin.

Finally, doctor Udin explained that the next PEPKI would be determined later at the MUKTAMAR at the end of this year in Solo. In the future, PEPKI should be used to encourage research and publication in the field of medical education in response to actual issues. Until now, there are 2 medical professional education master's study programs (MHPE), namely at the UGM Faculty of Medicine and the UI Faculty of Medicine.

"So that the motivation and interest of researchers in the MEU field will be strong, it will be triggered by funding from AIPKI and directed to respond to actual problems and should make strategic grand topics or themes. The AIPKI congress is used to discuss policy aspects by paying attention to problems in medical education. AIPKI has five LWGs which must be strengthened with various activities such as workshops and benchmarking. One of the LOKJA is the LOKJA for strengthening study program accreditation. FK UII is also active in these POKJAs to anticipate the development of medical education so that it can be even better, explained Doctor Udin after attending the PEPKI event in Palembang. Wibowo