FK UII Establishes Center for Bioethics and Islamic Medical Law Studies

Bioethics as a multidisciplinary study seeks to bring together approaches to medicine, law, economics, biology, and religion to align the purposes and objectives of human creation (the purpose of life) with the necessity of life for humans themselves. A medical approach that is built on the empiricism principle of objectivity in biomedical sciences must be balanced with a social humanities approach that is relativistic and plural in nature, one of which can be done through a bioethical approach. Bioethics itself is divided into 4 namely theoretical bioethics, clinical bioethics, regulation and policy bioethics and cultural bioethics.


Establishment of the BIOHUKI Study Center

The Center for Bioethic Studies and Islamic Medical Law (BIOHUKI) in English is also known as the Center for Islamic Bioethic and Islamic Health Law (CIBIMEL) which was officially declared at the International seminar on Islamic Bioethic and Islamic Health Law on Sunday, 16 August 2015 at the Prof. Public Lecture dr. Sardjito MPH, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

The objectives of the establishment of the BIOHHUKI Study Center include: disseminating educational tools on bioethics, medical law (Islam) and health human rights within faculties and universities; prepare curriculum plans for bioethics, medical law and human rights education to achieve ethical, moral and professional competence in medicine; as well as being responsible for developing the disciplines of bioethics, medical law (Islam) and health human rights through education, research and service.

Through the establishment of the BIOHUKI study center, it is hoped that the quality of medical education at FK UII, especially in terms of achieving knowledge development areas, can be improved. Not only that, FK UII's progress will be broader in areas that are very important for the improvement of medical practice in Indonesia. Sorting