FK UII Audience to Morangan Hospital

Sleman (UII News) – As a legal umbrella, FK UII has collaborated with the Sleman Health Office in October 2014 in terms of improving the quality of health services, so this hearing is to continue the agreement and to focus on sending coas to Morangan Hospital in the clinical education process.

This was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK during a friendly meeting and audience with the Director and staff of Morangan Hospital on Tuesday, 06 Shafar 136 H coinciding 02 December 2014.

According to doctor Linda, by establishing this collaboration, the educational process of FK UII's co-teaching staff will not be far away, besides that the area is also in Sleman so that the supervisory and communication functions can run quickly.

"Apart from close communication, making Morangan Hospital a teaching hospital will increase the education budget and increase the retirement age of staff," explained the Dean of FK UII.

For this hearing, the Director of the Morangan Hospital, dr. Joko Hataryo, M.Kes happily accepted, explained historically the collaboration process, that the Morangan Hospital is different from other hospitals in Indonesia which can carry out their own collaboration.

"Hospital Morangan belongs to the Sleman Regional Government, so historically all forms of this collaboration were under the umbrella of law with the Sleman Regional Government, in this case the Sleman District Health Office, this is what distinguishes Morangan General Hospital from other hospitals," said doctor Joko.

Doctor Joko further said that in the audience, Morangan Hospital has many collaborations with other parties, for the education of new doctors at the UGM Faculty of Medicine, while collaboration with nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy and many others.

"Collaboration with FK UII had previously been established, for the Clinical Introduction Program (PPK) with a good record, and very harmonious, so that there was a collaboration that understood each other, so that later it would be discussed again without leaving the agencies that are currently collaborating with with Morangan Hospital”, said doctor Joko. Wibowo