FGD of Primary Service Doctor Study Program at FK UII

Kaliurang (UII News) – Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in the context of establishing the Primary Service Physician Study Program (DLP) in the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia held again to discuss the creation of a proposal for its founding.

This was conveyed by dr. H. Agus Taufiqurrahman, M.Kes., Sp.S Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for the new Primary Service Doctors (DLP) education program during the FGD event which was held on Tuesday, 03 March 2015 / 12 Jumadil Awal 1436 H in the main meeting room lt.2 medical School Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta which was attended by members of the study program's founding team.

Doctor Agus explained that the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) discussed guidelines for making proposal forms for the establishment of a new study program, namely the Doctor of Primary Services (DLP) study program.

"This FGD was held in order to discuss the readiness of the UII Faculty of Medicine in establishing DLP study programs with the subject matter being the first study program excellence, the second is local curriculum mutants, and the three learning methods," he said. Wibowo