Factors Influencing the Determination of Treatment Choices in the Nabin Kulonprogo Community

Background. Recently, health problems have increasingly become the subject of discussion in society, including the problem of people's behavior towards medical personnel or doctors themselves. Community behavior here is more focused on the behavior of a person/group of people who are likely to get sick, but they prefer to go to a health service or choose other treatment alternatives. The choice of treatment by the community may be influenced by several factors, such as the distance of the health service from the patient's place of residence, the high cost of treatment, dissatisfaction with the results of treatment, disdain for a disease and the recent rise of medical malpractice cases in Indonesia.

Research purposes. To find out the factors that influence the determination of the selection of alternative treatments in the Nabin Hamlet community.

Research methods. This type of research is non-experimental and uses a qualitative research design with descriptive analysis. The research subjects included community leaders and residents of Nabin Hamlet, Kulonprogo Regency. The research tool used an in-depth interview guide to community leaders and some members of the Nabin hamlet. Data was collected from interviews with respondents by taking notes and recording them on a tape recorder.

Results : The results of this study indicate that there are several factors that are considered to greatly influence the people of Nabin Hamlet in determining the choice of treatment, namely the level of public education, health information, treatment, and services.
health, community service facilities, community economic level, and the distance between the place of residence and the place of health services.

Conclusion : This study concluded that of the three factors that could influence the choice of treatment, namely, predisposing factors, supporting factors, and actors of need, all met the criteria as factors that directly or indirectly influenced the determination of treatment choices in Nabin Hamlet, Kulonprogo Regency.

Keywords : behavior ; determination of treatment alternatives; Sick ; health.

Main mentor
dr. HP Luthfi Ghozali. M. Kes

Companion tutor
Dr. Dwi Sujadir