dr. Sunarto, M.Kes established a collaboration for the IKM Department of FK UII and Yogyakarta City BAZNAS











        Kaliurang (UII News-22/10) – In order to establish cooperation in all fields including in the non-profit sector, the Department of Public Health (IKM) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia collaborated with the Yogyakarta City National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS).

        This was done by dr. Sunarto, M.Kes during a visit to the Yogyakarta City National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) on Thursday, October 22 2015/09 Muharram 1437 H at the Yogyakarta City Government complex.

        This was also confirmed by the management of the Yogyakarta City BAZNAS, Drs. Syamsul Ashari who said that doctor Sunarto made a visit to establish cooperation for mutual progress, caring for others. Wibowo/Tri