FK UII Lecturer Presentation of His Scientific Work Poster in Songdo, South Korea

Kaliurang (UII News-15/05) – Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, once again made achievements with his scientific work through a poster presented at Songdo, South Korea.

This was conveyed by Dr.dr. Farida Juliantina Rachmawaty, M.Kes., who is a permanent lecturer at UII, returning from the '10' eventth International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance (ISAAR) which is a biennial event. The 2th event was held in Songdo South Korea which took place at Songdo Convention A with a symposium schedule that took place on Thursday-Friday, 10-14 May 15 / 2015 – 24 Rajab 25 H.

As told by this FK UII strata 3 lecturer that Songdo City is a city of the future built by the South Korean government. The city is laid out very neatly and the buildings are towering. "The residents are very dynamic and continue to work even though they are >60 years old and in good health," said doctor Farida.

Furthermore, the lecturer who is also the Head of the UII FK Research Laboratory added that in this symposium, the material discussed raised a lot of future challenges, regarding the increasing number of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

"Currently there are more and more bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, for example bacteria Salmonella typhi resistant to ciprofloxacin reached 90% in Asia, and there are still many bacteria that are resistant to existing treatments, he explained.

For this reason, the Permanent Lecturer of FK UII, as a representative from the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) presented a poster of his scientific work entitled “Comparation of Antimybacterium Activity between Methanol and Chloroform Fraction of Ethanol Extract against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Wibowo/Tri