DIY Health Office: Competent Doctor Ready Anywhere

        Kaliurang (UII News-27/10) – The health law obliges every doctor to be ready to be placed anywhere to take part in the internship/skills proclaimed by the government, and every human resource in the health sector is required to pass a competency test as a basis for participating in an internship.

        This was conveyed by the DIY Health Office which was attended by Dra. Hardiah Djuliani, Apt., M.Sc (Head of the Human Resources Division of the DIY Health Service) while delivering his speech to all newly appointed and sworn in doctors on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 / 14 Muharam 1437 H in the KH auditorium. Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Ulil Albab Mosque Complex, UII Integrated Campus, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta, which was attended by 104 doctors.

        According to Hardiah, every doctor is required to take part in an internship as a process of proficiency and is a government program for equal distribution of health human resources, so that every new doctor who graduates is obliged to take part.

        "Therefore, every doctor who graduated from UII, apologize, don't mean to expel them, return to their respective areas to carry out internship programs in their areas, so that the distribution of human resources in the health sector can be achieved properly," said Dra. Hardaiah Djulianai, Apt., M.Sc. Wibowo/Tri