Department of Clinical Pathology


Clinical pathology is part of clinical medicine that studies the form and course of disease through laboratory examination of examination materials originating from the human body. Clinical pathology is related to the fields of hematology, clinical chemistry, infection and immunology, microbiology, parasitology, and transfusion medicine.

The Department of Clinical Pathology is one of the departments under the Preclinical Department of the Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) of FK UII which aims to support the vision and mission of the Faculty of Medicine, FK UII, namely as an institution that is rahmatan lil 'alamin, through chess dharma efforts, namely education, community service , research, and da'wah in the health sector, especially in the field of Clinical Pathology.

The Clinical Pathology Department organizes education and teaching through a problem based learning (PBL) system. The material is provided in the form of lectures, practicums, tutorials, so that it is integrated with other branches of medical sciences. Learning materials are also provided in digital/video form to increase student understanding. At the professional education stage, clinical pathology learning is integrated with education at various clinical stages.

Researches in the Department of Clinical Pathology are mainly related to the utilization of various laboratory examination parameters in the process of screening, diagnostics and disease monitoring. In addition, the Department of Clinical Pathology also collaborates in research with other disciplines in the development of medical devices and technology.

Organizational Structure 

Head of Department:

Dr. Rahma Yuantari, M.Sc, Sp.PK

Teaching Staff:

  1. Dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK(K)
  2. Dr. Utami Mulyaningrum, M.Sc.

Laboratory assistant:

Ahsan Agung P, AMd

Quality Goals

  1. Learning quality standards (Education)
    Learning quality target indicators in the form of practicum passing of 100%
  2. Quality standard of service quality (Yield of service)
    Quality target indicators of service quality in the form of a satisfaction level of 85%
  3. Standard quality of facilities quality (Facilities)
    The quality target indicator of facility quality is a satisfaction level of 85%
  4. Governance quality standards
    This governance quality target indicator consists of the average performance score of lecturers and assistants of 3,5 on a scale of 4


The Department of Clinical Pathology, FK UII, has 3 teaching staff at the faculty who are permanent lecturers. One Clinical Pathology lecturer has completed the Sp2/Sub Specialist education program in Hematology and one lecturer is pursuing a doctoral degree.

The integrated Clinical Pathology Laboratory in the FK UII Integrated Laboratory building has adequate facilities and can be used for the implementation of education, research and service programs.