Department of Biochemistry


The Biochemistry Department is one of the departments in the Bachelor of Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia whose scope of work studies the role of various molecules in chemical reactions and processes that take place in living things, including nutrients that are included in the science of nutrition. The biochemical material is spread over several blocks such as blocks 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.4 and 2.6 in the form of lecture, tutorial and practicum learning activities.

The human resources in the biochemistry department are 6 lecturers with academic positions 1 professor, 2 lecturers, 3 expert assistants and 1 laboratory assistant. One of the lecturers is currently studying for a PhD at Mahidol, Thailand.

Organizational Structure 

Head of Department:  

Prof. Dr. dr. Wiryatun Lestariana, Apt.

Teaching Staff:

  1. Dr. Asri Hendrawati, M.Sc
  2. Dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc
  3. dr. Rizki Fajar Utami, M.Sc
  4. dr. Edy Fitrianto, M. Nutrition
  5. dr. Nur Aini Djunet, M. Nutrition

Laboratory assistant:

Mujiyanto, S.Si


  1. Lecturer teaching performance is good
  2. Good laboratory performance
  3. There are lecturers in the Biochemistry department with the functional positions of professor and lecturer and some are currently studying doctoral degrees abroad
  4. Adequate biochemistry laboratory facilities

Quality Goals

  1. Learning quality standards (Education)
    Learning quality target indicators in the form of practicum passing of 100%
  2. Quality standard of service quality (Yield of service)
    Quality target indicators of service quality in the form of a satisfaction level of 85%
  3. Standard quality of facilities quality (Facilities)
    The quality target indicator of facility quality is a satisfaction level of 85%
  4. Governance quality standards
    This governance quality target indicator consists of the average performance score of lecturers and assistants of 3,5 on a scale of 4