Department of IKM FK UII Holds BIKO Koas

Kaliurang (UII News) - Data collection must use the correct research method, by identifying problems from existing data, finding and determining problem priorities, looking for causes of problems from each predetermined priority problem, looking for various alternative solutions problem.

This was conveyed by dr. Sunarto, M.Kes when presenting his material regarding the elective module for Clinical Education Koas Public Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine UII, which was held on Monday 05-06 Shafar 1436 H or 01 December 2014 at the auditorium lt. 1 UII Faculty of Medicine, followed by young doctors from the Public Health Sciences station.

Doctor Narto further explained that apart from some of the things mentioned above, research data collection must also look for the causes of problems from each of the priority problems that have been determined and look for various alternative solutions to problems.

"As a complement to the preparation of the research, the young doctors of FK UII stasse IKM must make a Plan of Action, carry out intervention activities, and evaluate the collection of research data," he said.

The IKM doctor added, apart from introducing correct research methods, the young doctors of FK UII at the IKM stage also have to carry out apprenticeship activities to support their research, by collecting data using appropriate scientific methods. The data that must be collected are primary data and secondary data.

"Primary data, young doctors are required to collect data both qualitatively and quantitatively, for example in the form of observations or in-depth interviews or FGDs, while secondary data, young doctors are required to look for data at the internship site, namely in the form of documents, notes, or reports. existing, "added doctor Narto. Wibowo