Kaliurang (UII News) – As a commitment to provide assistance and support to hawkers to produce quality food or snacks that are acceptable in the community, especially in the Elementary School environment, the communication and coordination between FK UII and the hawkers is carried out continuously.

This was conveyed by dr. Sunarto, M.Kes as the coordinator of the team coordinating with the hawkers in the Meeting Room of the Department of Public Health (IKM) FK UII, on Thursday, 13 November 2014 afternoon  which was attended by the IKM FK UII Team with the hawkers.

"This coordination will continue to be carried out to accommodate input from the hawkers, including the association they have formed, so that the role of FK UII in providing guidance and advocacy can be maximized and in line with the planned assistance program with hawkers in the school environment. The basis of the Condong Catur District, "said doctor Narto. Wibowo