Dean of FK UII, FOSMA Can Help Students, Both Academic and Non-Academic

Kaliurang (UII News) – The purpose of this friendly meeting is to invite the parents and parents of students to get to know the whole process in the learning system at the Medical Education Study Program, FK UII, so that they can lead their beloved sons and daughters to become professional Muslim doctors.

This was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK when giving her remarks at the Meeting of the Faculty of Medicine's Parent/Guardian Gathering Forum (FOSMA) Universitas Islam Indonesia, on Saturday, 29 Muharram 1436 H coinciding on November 22 2014 at the General Lecture Building (GKU) Prof. Prof. .

According to the Dean of FK UII, doctor Linda said that the challenges for the medical profession in the future will be even greater, both in global and regional competition, especially since January 2015, namely the 2015 ASEAN free market. The challenge of domestic competition is the choice of doctors as primary health care . So that this spurred doctors who graduated from Indonesia to improve the quality of their competence. This should already be started in college to prepare well>

"Hopefully this meeting will continue in the friendly forums that are accommodated in FOSMA. It is hoped that FOSMA can develop programs that play a role in helping students in academic and non-academic activities," hoped doctor Linda.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UII, Dr. Ir. Harsoyo, M.Sc in his remarks stated that the achievements of FK UII cannot be separated from the commitment set by UII to continue to make continuous improvement efforts which generally focus on improving governance, excellence and academic quality. For the achievements, it is not surprising that FK UII has become one of the faculties that students or prospective students are most interested in.

"At least this can be seen from the UII New Student Admissions (PMB) data for the 2014/2015 Academic Year, the number of prospective students who applied to FK UII reached 3.046 applicants. However, only 150 students were accepted, "said Pak Harsoyo.

From the parents of new students, represented by doctor Dardis, Sp.B, they realized that new FK UII students have different abilities, many things are the cause, including the primary and secondary education curriculum which is not yet relevant to education and the KBK curriculum.

"Although the abilities of our sons and daughters are different, we have full capacity for the Dean and the teaching staff at FK UII, because as a good teacher we certainly have the ability and the right way to assess each of our students, so that our children can added and developed his knowledge wisely according to the existing curriculum, hope doctor Dardis. Wibowo.