The Rejection Power of Rapellant Lemongrass Oil Against Female Mosquitoes

(Oleum citronella) AGAINST THE FEMALE Aedes aegypti mosquito

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a health problem in Indonesia caused by a virus dengue carried by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti. One of the actions to break the chain of transmission is to avoid being bitten by using repellant. Repellant can be made from natural ingredients, for example, citronella oil (Citronella oleum) because the leaves and roots are fragrant and not liked by mosquitoes, besides that, the content of citronella oil has properties hissant which makes mosquitoes dehydrated so that mosquitoes will die because they lose a lot of fluids.

The purpose of this study was to determine the repulsive power of citronella oil and to compare the repulsive power of citronella oil and DEET (NN-diethyl-meta-toluamide) against mosquitoes Aedes aegypti as a dengue vector. This research was conducted in a simple experimental laboratory with analysis Kruskal-Wallis next Post Hoc Mann-Whitney. The results obtained from this study were obtained raverage mosquito rejection time Aedes aegypti with sere oil repellant 8299,22 seconds, DEET 9472,11 seconds, and without repellent 17,89 seconds.

Test results Kruskal-Wallis is that there are at least two groups that have differences and test results Post Hoc Mann-Whitney between each pair of groups have differences in the prevention of mosquito bites. In conclusion rLemongrass oil epelan has a repellent power against mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and lower repellence against mosquitoes Aedes aegypti from DEET.

Keywords : Repulsion, Repellant, Sere Oil, DEET, Aedes aegypti

Writer :
Gilang Liesmelati Kripsamaya

Advisor :
Siti Istianah