To be grateful is to worship Allah SWT

Kaliurang (UII News-30/9) – To be grateful for the blessings that have been given by Allah SWT, what humans have to do is to become humans who are useful to Allah SWT by worshiping Allah SWT.

        This was conveyed by Ust. Ir. Munichy Bachron Edress, M.Arch, IAI when delivering his sermon at the recitation event for Faculty of Medicine lecturers and staff Universitas Islam Indonesia which was held on Thursday, 30 September 2015 / 17 Dzulhijah 1436 H.

        According to Ust. Munichy our way of worship is in accordance with the word of Allah SWT in the letter An Nahl: 104 which reads "Indeed, those who do not believe in the verses of Allah (the Koran), Allah will not guide them and for them a painful punishment, he said.

        It was added again that the world is rice fields and the fields of the hereafter, so we have to live it with DUIT as a means of our efforts to worship Allah SWT. DUIT is D = Prayer, U = Effort, I = Endeavor, T = Tawakal.

        "So that our form of gratitude is by worshiping with taqorub to Allah SWT or getting closer to Allah SWT by making the Koran as a guide and guide for daily life," said the FTSP UII lecturer. Wibowo