There is a hare at LEM FK UII

Kaliurang (UII News) – KANCIL stands for (Know Afta Now, To Create Intellectual Person Tomorrow), KANCIL is a general study related to important issues organized by the work program of the Department of Strategy and Advocacy Studies (Kastrad) of the Student Executive Institute (LEM) Faculty of Medicine UII, with the theme of the activity namely â € œAFTA and Its Impact on the Economy, Law, Industry, and Health Services”.

This was explained by the Chairman of the Committee, Achmad Bima Aryaputra, when the KANCIL event took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta on Sunday, January 11 2015 or 20 Rabi'ul Awal 1436 H which was attended by all DPM and LEM FK UII management as well as students from FK UII, FK UGM, FK UMY, and FK UKDW.

According to Bima, this activity was held in the context of conducting studies and advocacy on non-academic issues whose effects were found by the community. The Kastrad Department examines non-academic matters that have direct or indirect effects on students of the Medical Study Program and issues related to government regulations related directly or indirectly to public health services.

"With the General Study, students will get new thoughts and perspectives in responding to a problem. In addition, the General Study will bring out the name of LEM FK UII at the university level by inviting students from other faculties to discuss a multidisciplinary problem together.â€

In the event, Kancil presented speakers including Abdul Hakim, SE., M.Ec, Ph.D, who provided students with an understanding of the influence of AFTA on the legal sector, meanwhile dr. Agus Taufiqurrahman, M.Kes, Sp.S provided students with an understanding of the influence of AFTA on the health care sector. Wibowo